You can learn the hard way, by making more mistakes, or you can learn an easier way, with the help of a mentor. Read More...

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One of the best ways to get ahead in your career and in life is to learn from someone else. If you can find a mentor, you have the benefit of wisdom and experience.

But how does one go about finding a mentor? And what can you do to maintain a good relationship with a mentor?


  • How it can help your business and life to find a mentor.
  • How a mentor can help your career.
  • Advantages of an outside view.
  • The importance of learning from others and benefitting from their experiences.
  • Tips to help you find a mentor.
  • How to get referrals from your networ for a mentor.
  • How to use mentorship to network and find new opportunities.
  • Tips for developing a good relationship with your mentor.
  • What you need to know about choosing the right mentor for you.

As you prepare to find a mentor, this week’s DO NOWs can help. Start by identifying one area of your life you want to work on, whether it’s money, career, or your health. Pick one area of focus. Write down the names of people in your network who can help in your area of focus. Ask one of the people on that list to lunch or coffee.

This week, our listener question deals with concerns about using a mentor someone else picks out for you. We talk about taking a chance, and how to identify if the mentoring relationship is going to work early on.

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Move beyond the petty childhood stuff.

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Sibling drama is part of life for many of us. Many of us assume we will all grow out of it in adulthood. But what if that isn’t the case? What if adult sibling rivalry becomes a thing?

In this episode we look at adult sibling relationships, what you can do to strengthen them, and how to get over the sibling drama once and for all.


  • Sibling rivalry, in small doses can be a good thing.
  • The complexity involved with sibling relationships.
  • What contibrutes to sibling drama?
  • How life events and other factors shape our sibling relationships.
  • Tips for improving your relationships with your siblings.
  • What happens when the sibling drama is more than you can handle?
  • Strategies for dealing with sibling drama when it arises.

The DO NOWs for this week revolve around helping you develop stronger ties with your siblings. We look at how you can shift the narrative so that it’s something positive, as well as ideas for connecting with your siblings if you feel estranged.

This week’s listener question tackles the issue of what happens if your sibling BFF is no longer your bestie. We look at how you can approach the problem, and explore ideas for re-establishing good relations.

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Adult sibling rivalry
The benefits of sibling rivalry in childhood

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Self-care is important.

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Show Notes

We don’t have a video this week, but we do have an interview with an expert. Lynette Davis is an entrepreneur coach and mental health advocate. She knows what it’s like to lose touch with yourself and the importance of mental health as an entrepreneur.

In this episode, Lynette talks about the importance of self-care, watching for signs that you might need to pay better attention to your mental health, and how better mental health can help you make the most of your business.

We also talk about the importance of getting help when you need it and removing some of the stigma related to mental health from the national conversation. Listen in to find out what you need to know about mental health as an entrepreneur.


Hosted byHarlan L. Landes and Miranda Marquit
Edited and mixed bySteve Stewart

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Get your mind back.

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When making decisions, we often rely on someone else to tell us what to do. We are inclined to go along with the group.

This can even mean changing our outlook based on what groups around us think. We run the risk of going along with someone else, rather than coming up with our own ideas or responses.

Before you do what you’re told, stop a minute and ask why you’re taking that stand. Are you really thinking for yourself? Or have you succumbed to groupthink?


  • A definition of groupthink.
  • Where we see groupthink: business, politics, religion, social situations.
  • The dangers of gravitating only toward people who share your thoughts.
  • Are you using shortcuts instead of thinking for yourself?
  • Is it really a good idea to trust only one person to tell you how to live?
  • How efforts to please others can lead you to stop thinking for yourself.
  • In business, groupthink can stifle creativity and lead you to miss out on new ideas and creative solutions.
  • Tips for avoiding groupthink.
  • How to challenge your own worldview and maintain health skepticism.

This week, our DO NOWs revolve around challenging your own worldview. It’s about actively seeking ways to review your positions and why you take the stands you do. It includes finding something you disagree and giving it consideration, writing an argument on behalf of the “other” side, and listening to someone who disagrees with you.

Our listener this week is trying to reclaim parents from groupthink. Unfortunately, when you’ve stopped thinking for yourself, it’s hard to get those mental gears going again.

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Resources about groupthink.

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Don’t let student debt destroy your budget.

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Student loans are a huge burden for many graduates — and the economy. With 44 million people affected and $1.4 trillion in student loans outstanding, there’s a good chance you feel the weight of your own student loans.

So, what happens when you can’t pay your student loans? What are your options? This weeks episode tackles that thorny issue.


  • A look at some of the reasons there’s so much student debt.
  • Prices to attend college continue to rise.
  • The importance of developing a marketable skill.
  • Stagnant wages make it even harder to repay student loans.
  • Income-based repayment plans for when you can’t pay your student loans.
  • How to talk to your lender about your options.
  • Downsides to deferment and forbearance.
  • Tips for spending less money and boosting your income.
  • The importance of making a plan to pay off your student loans.

This week, our DO NOWs are all about solving the problem when you can’t pay your student loans. Start by getting all your student loan information together, using the list offered by Department of Education. You should also see what programs you are eligible for. If you qualify and are struggling, you can start the loan consolidation and income-driven repayment process.

This week’s listener question deals with the question of what happens if you don’t want to pay off your student loan debt quickly. Does it ever makes sense to keep the student loans for a little longer?

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College tuition is on the rise.

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When you live in an RV, home is anywhere you want it to be. Read More...

Once in a while, we present LIVE! Subscribe on YouTube to hear about future events, and share your questions about or suggestions for our next discussions!

Show Notes

Today we don’t have a video, but we do have a great conversation with Michelle Schroeder-Gardner about how to live in an RV full-time.

We talk about what you need to do in order to prepare for life as a permanent RVer. Michelle also has interesting stories about meeting a billionaire RV enthusiast and other encounters with interesting people.

And, if you decide it’s not for you, we also talk about how to enjoy RVing as a weekender. You don’t have to live in an RV to enjoy one. Plus, weekending can give you a chance to try it out.

Michelle is a well-known blogger sharing tips about living the lifestyle you want. You can find her at Making Sense of Cents.

Hosted byHarlan L. Landes and Miranda Marquit
Edited and mixed bySteve Stewart

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College is over-rated. Get a good job without a four-year degree. Read More...

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Do you want a good job, but you’re unsure if college is the right move for you?

It’s possible to make good money without a four-year degree. With the right skill set and training, you can make a decent living and enjoy a fulfilling career without taking the “traditional” college route.

Here’s what you need to know if you aren’t sure that a four-year stint at university is the thing for you.


  • College grads are struggling to find jobs right now.
  • We might be seeing a skilled labor shortage, and that means you have a chance to make good money without a four-year degree.
  • The importance of developing a marketable skill.
  • Ideas for jobs that don’t require a four-year degree but still offer decent pay.
  • Thoughts on apprenticeship programs.
  • Tips for keeping your skills up to date.
  • The place of community colleges and vocational education.
  • How to research career paths that can pay without a long time in school.
  • Why it’s important to continue to update your skills and re-certify.

Our DO NOWs are all about creating a plan to make good money without a four-year degree. Start with a skills inventory to see what you like to do, and what you’re good at. Next, research in-demand careers and see what matches your skills and abilities. Finally, look at what you need to do in order to enroll in the appropriate program.

This week’s listener question is about helping your parents reconcile to the fact that maybe you won’t go to college.

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25 jobs to make good money without a four-year degree.
College grads struggle to find jobs.
Skilled labor shortage in the United States.

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You’re an adult. Don’t let your parents treat you like a kid. Read More...

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You love your parents. But are they having a hard time with the idea that you’re a grownup now? It might be time to establish boundaries. It might be difficult, but you need to figure out how to change the relationship dynamic to something healthier.


  • Dangers of letting your parents treat you like a child.
  • How to learn how to adult when your parents are babying you.
  • Relationship problems that come when you don’t establish boundaries with your parents.
  • Which boundaries to set with your parents, including parenting your own children and relationships with your S.O.
  • How to ask for help and advice without reverting to being treated like a kid.
  • Tips to help you establish boundaries effectively.
  • How to identify the boundaries that need to be set.
  • Ways to offer a consolation prize to your parents.
  • Reasons to establish boundaries and stick to them.

Our DO NOWs this week focus on reviewing what’s bothering you and honestly evaluating whether or not it’s a breach of boundaries. We also talk about creating a script and practicing so that you are ready to have this difficult conversation with your parents.

A listener this week is tired of being badgered about plans for work and dating. We talk about how to help your parents understand that you’re satisfied and they need to back up and be happy for you.

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Danger of infantilizing adult children.

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Step off the beaten path. See the world.

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International travel is expected to increase by 35% in the next 10 years. If you are ready to go overseas and experience a different culture, there are a few things you need to be aware of.

Travel can be an amazing experience — if you’re prepared. In this episode, we look at what you need to do in order to get ready for international travel.


  • Reasons you should consider international travel at some point.
  • The value of experiencing new cultures and viewpoints.
  • Opportunities when you take the time to get to know others of different cultures.
  • An over view of the need for a passport and (maybe) visas for international travel.
  • The advantages of having a credit card when you travel.
  • Learn about the culture and norms ahead of time so you know what to expect.
  • Look up immunization requirements. You might need shots.
  • Be ready for phone service issues. Check with your provider ahead of time.
  • Consider a tour or cruise for your first experience if you are unsure of how to proceed.
  • Safety tips and procedures to consider when you take children on international travel.

Ready for international travel? This week’s DO NOWs are all about getting ready to plan your next trip. Pick one country you would like to visit. Learn about it, and what you need to know if you want to go there. Start planning your trip. If you don’t have one, start the application process for a passport.

Our listener question this week tackles what happens if your partner doesn’t want to travel. We have some ideas you can try if you want to encourage them to join you in international travel.

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High-risk travel training is a thing now.

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Money = happiness, yo.

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Could money be the key to happiness? It may not lead to true fulfillment, but it does provide you with a way to meet your basic needs and lay a foundation for future happiness.

If you look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the bottom two pieces of the pyramid generally include items that require at least some financial resources.

So, can you spend money, be happy, and move forward with your life? Here’s how to make it work.



  • Spend money, be happy? Maybe it’s more about staving off complete misery.
  • What you need to think about when it comes to subsistence.
  • Once you reach a certain point, more money doesn’t add to your happiness.
  • You are more likely to spend money, be happy when you spend on other people.
  • Figure out what you value and what makes you happy and focus spending on those things.
  • Money can also be used as a resource to help you pay for what you need and some of what you want.
  • Be careful of using money as a status symbol. You are far more likely to be miserable when it’s a means of keeping score.

Here are some cool money quotes:

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul” – Democritis, the ancient philosopher

“It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.” — Albert Camus, early 20th Century philosopher

“Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has, the more one wants.” — Benjamin Franklin

This week’s DO NOWs focus on helping you take a closer look at your relationship to money. We talk about writing down your feelings about money, reviewing your spending to see if it follows your values, and identifying spending that doesn’t make you happy or provide things you need.

This week’s listener question looks at how whether or not earning more money will really make you happy. The spend money, be happy situation is further explored in our answers.

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$75,000 a year might be the perfect salary.

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