Don’t try to convince me that being single is something I need to “fix.” I’m single right now — and loving it. Read More...

“Are you dating anyone?”

“Who is that guy? Are you together?”

“When do you think you’ll be ready to get married again?”

“I know just the guy for you …”

“Can I set you up?”

And, my personal favorite: “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone.”

I’m not worried. I’m really not.

In our society, we tend to treat being single like a disease. Everyone’s got a cure. And if there isn’t an immediate solution to the problem, your acquaintances are quick to assure you that someone will come along.

We view being part of a couple as normal. If you’re not in a couple, you must be terribly sad and lonely – and dying to find someone to couple with.

There’s nothing wrong with being in a relationship with someone you love and trust. A good partnership is nothing to sneeze at.

However, it’s also ok to be single and loving it.

Being single ≠ being lonely.

The biggest myth that comes with being single is the idea that you must be lonely all the time. In my case, it’s relatively impossible to be truly alone because I live with a teenager.

But it is possible to miss the company of adults.

However, just because sometimes I like adult interaction, it doesn’t mean I’m a lonely person.

In fact, it’s hard for me to be lonely because I:

  • am involved in the community, so there’s almost always something going on
  • have great friends who meet me for lunch, go to movies with me, help me with what needs doing, and are willing to hang out with me at home or in other places
  • spend time with my family.

The good news about being single is that it doesn’t have to mean you don’t hang out with people. You can still go out and enjoy time with family and friends.

On top of that, I actually like being alone sometimes. I go to movies by myself. I enjoy a lunch date with just me, myself, and I.

And heaven help you if I’m deep into a book and you try to spend the evening with me. The thicker the plot, the less I want you around.

There’s so much happening in my life as a single person that it’s practically impossible for me to feel lonely. I can’t imagine trying to manage it all and have to manage a boyfriend or husband on top of it.

It’s possible to be fulfilled in many different ways. Being part of a couple and being a parent are ways to enjoy life. Being single doesn’t preclude you from doing interesting and important things. Look for activities that give you purpose and people who you enjoy being around, and there’s no reason you can’t be fulfilled as a person.

Being single is so much more convenient.

The more people involved in a decision, the more complicated things get. I like my ex-husband a lot. We get along great, and we still enjoy fun family vacations. However, I can’t help but notice that things are simpler with only one adult involved.

From grocery shopping to travel, the only person I really have to consult before making a decision is me. Sure, I sometimes get my son involved. But in the end, I’m the mom and the adult. What I say goes. When there’s another adult involved, s/he gets equal say.

Since I like to have my own way, I find it convenient to be single right now.

Perhaps down the road my desire for a more constant and consistent companion will outweigh my desire for doing things my way, but right now single is good for me.

I like it.

Could being single actually lead to better health?

For years, conventional wisdom (and some studies) tell us that marriage is the way to be healthy as people. But is that really the case?

There is new evidence floating around that indicates it’s possible to be healthier as a single person than as a married person. This is especially true if you are in a bad marriage. (My marriage was not bad or abusive. However, I do find that, after more than 13 years of marriage, I enjoy being single.)

Some research indicates that you might be happier and healthier single than in a bad marriage — especially if you are a woman. In some cases, though, being single might be healthier than being married, no matter how good things are.

I have a feeling it depends on who you are, how comfortable you are with yourself and being alone, and the kinds of things you get up to as a single person.

In my case, I have a little more time to exercise, since I have my own schedule. I don’t have to try to work around someone else. I also have more time to do things that relax me, and that I enjoy, and I don’t have the stress of trying to incorporate another person on a daily basis. Being able to exercise, plan meals, and have me time on my schedule contributes to health and happiness.

For now, I like it.

Being single isn’t for everyone.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that it’s awful to be a part of a couple. It isn’t. Many people enjoy being with someone they see as a soulmate. They like the partnership and the companionship. They like sharing life with someone who “gets” them.

They like raising their human children and/or animal children, or they just enjoy the peace of having one other person. They go through hard times together and become stronger and closer.

And some folks, no matter how much they enjoy doing things alone, and even if they are comfortable in their own skin, just like to have someone to share the day with. There’s nothing wrong with this.

I enjoy the connections I have with other people. I’m glad I have them. But I don’t feel the need for a grand romance, or for someone to be there Every. Single. Day. in a more quiet way.

If you’re looking for a companion, or happy with your life partner, that’s no problem at all. It’s a good thing. As long as it’s a mostly happy, healthy relationship.

But it’s also ok to be in a happy, healthy relationship with only yourself.

What do you think? Do you prefer to be in a couple or single? And does it change depending on where you’re at in life?

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The holidays are different for adults than they are for kids. You can still have a great season, but cut the holiday hijinks. Read More...

This episode originally aired on November 26, 2015.

As a kid, the holidays are a time of fun. After all, you get presents, candy, and time off school. Holiday hijinks are a part of growing up.

Adults, though, need to learn how to change their view of the holidays. The things that were funny when you’re a kid are no longer in force. Plus no one thinks it’s fun to buy you presents anymore.

You can still enjoy the holiday season as an adult, but you do need to adjust your expectations.

Use our Do Nows to help you evaluate what you want out of the holidays, as well as learn strategies for putting together a budget-friendly gift exchange.


  • Just because we’re asked to find the child within during the holidays doesn’t mean you should act like a child.
  • What are some of the holiday hijinks you should avoid as an adult?
  • What are some of the things adults are expected to do during the holidays?
  • How to handle gift exchanges with family and with coworkers.
  • Why it’s important to determine what the holidays mean to you so you can set boundaries.

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HARLAN – – Intro

MIRANDA – -Welcome to this week’s edition of Adulting. We’re going to talk about holiday hijinks. When is it time to stop acting like a kid for the holidays?

HARLAN – – Intro

HARLAN – – Welcome to adulating. I am Harlan Landes, and I’m here with Miranda Marquit. Hi, Miranda.

MIRANDA – Hi Harlan

HARLAN – – And today we’re talking about holiday hijinks.

Accept that you’re not a kid anymore. We all want to be a kid at heart, sure. But certain things happen around the holiday that tells us that maybe that it’s time to move on and it’s time now to be an adult. The biggest thing is, of course, gift giving.

So let’s talk about that. Miranda, do you have a story to share that moment that you first realized you’re an adult?

MIRANDA – -Or at least not a child anymore. Growing up of course as someone who celebrates Christmas, we always had that list that we could make, and even when we were beyond Santa Claus, in my family, we could still make a list. My parents said this is the budget, and then you could go ahead and move forward, and make this list. So when I came back, from college, my first semester, I said to my parents, here is my list, this is what I want for Christmas. This is my list, and it’s like one thing, and it’s expensive. I was surprised that my parents said, ‘You’re not a kid anymore, you don’t get to make a Christmas list, we’ll give you whatever we’re giving you!’

It ended up being useful things for my college experience, but it wasn’t the thing that I wanted on my list. And that was the time I realized, ‘Oh I’m not a kid anymore, and I can’t just demand things anymore,’ as children do. And that this holiday, and a lot of the holiday season: Christmas, Channukah, those kinds of things, those are for the children. Parents do these things to make things fun for the children. And you reach this point where your parents and your grandparents and all the people around you are maybe thinking, ‘You’re not cute and fun anymore, we don’t care about making this nice for you,’ and you have to accept that and do it with good grace, I guess.

HARLAN – -I think some of my friends still think that they’re young and cute and that the gifts are for them. So it’s made the holidays interesting, to say the least. I think the holidays are a chance for us to enjoy and celebrate the kids inside of us that are still there. What part of being an adult is recognizing that you don’t stop being who you are inside as you grow up? I think the question is, do you express that in a way so that you expect to get gifts from your friends just like you are a child? I think that’s the biggest question.

I have a friend who is just giddy about getting gifts, and he has a daughter who supports that and loves the fact that he loves getting gifts as much as she does. Which is entertaining, sure, but does putting the pressure on everyone else to play into this idea that we have to keep having to get gifts for each other? So, the way I see this, and what other people observe in this particular circle observe, is this doesn’t make any sense; this is not what adults do. Why is this happening? And you just have to say, well, we’re humoring someone who just gets a lot of joy out of this, so we just participate in it for him. I don’t participate that much now because I don’t see my friends that much anymore. So it feels odd to me, and there are other things we can do other than getting video games for each other. We can take each other to dinner, we can enjoy our time together, we can go to the movies, we can do things like that.

I know I don’t have room for anything else, so I don’t want any gifts from people. I don’t expect people to get gifts for me, I mean, at this point I don’t have lists. My parents will still ask, because they want to continue the relationship that we’ve had, as a child. And I grew up, and they still want to do this for me, and I’ll humor them and say, ‘ If you want to do something, here’s this,’ but I don’t expect anything at this point, and I don’t want anything.

MIRANDA – – I think that’s a good point, and I think sometimes we were stuck in this idea too, where we use this season as an excuse just to act idiotic and then aim to recapture our youth. And sometimes this is going out and using this as an excuse to get drunk and act stupid; sometimes it manifests in just buying a bunch of stuff that maybe we couldn’t afford as children. I know that my ex-husband did a lot of buying – expensive, big toys. At Christmas time, when we were getting stuff for my son, a lot of the things he would get were things that he wished he could have had as a child, so it’s this weird recapturing lost childhood, rather than focusing on spending some time with friends and family. I guess it comes down to figuring out, what does the holiday season mean to you? No matter which holidays you’re celebrating, what does it mean to YOU, and what personally do you want to try and get out of it?

HARLAN – -As adults, we can make a choice, if we want to spend our money on things, we can do that — we are adults. We can do that as long as we involve all of the affected people in the discussion. If you have someone in your relationship that’s going off and spending money on things that the family doesn’t need and the money isn’t there for that, then you run into some problems. But regarding being able to buy yourself presents, if that’s something that you want to do, it’s certainly allowable, it’s just a question of, as an adult, you just have to remember that in the back of your mind that you still have to focus on the important things. What is important around the holidays? Is there something special about the month of December that makes it the right time for everyone to participate in this holiday season?

MIRANDA – -Yes, so one of the things that make December fantastic for this sort of thing is not so much how many holidays we celebrate, or how many holidays do we need to celebrate, but it’s also the idea that the days are getting shorter: it’s colder outside for many of us, especially those of us in the northern hemisphere. And in the southern hemisphere, it’s like, hey, let’s celebrate, it’s summertime! But for many of us in the northern hemisphere, it’s just cold, and you just want to do something that warms you. Physically as well as emotionally. And to me, December is great because you’ve got your first snow, it’s sparkling and pretty, it’s before it turns February, when it’s all gray and gross and mushy, and you don’t want it anymore. And there’s just something about the excitement of getting together with friends and family. One of the things that I’ve found as I get older is that I care more about the company of people I like than I care about just about anything else. (8:46:0) And I just want to be able to have company and keep company with people that I like. I want to keep company with my family; I want to be able to see my good friends.

HARLAN – -Yeah, I think that’s a great way to look at it. So is there a way to do that while still –, for a lot of people, in this generation, families are more spread out, and friends are more spread out than they ever have been before. There’re a few reasons for that. First, transportation and travel are so much easier than it’s been in any other generation. It costs less money to travel — and families can leave and go from one city to another permanently, and that hasn’t always been the case. Plus, the internet makes it easier for everybody to maintain their relationships a little bit better, regardless of the distance. So all of these things combine with the fact that there’s a lot of more traveling happening during the holiday season as people go to all lengths of the country or the continent, or the world, to be with family and friends and people that they love. So, how do you plan for this a little bit better than just spending a lot of money on travel?

MIRANDA – -Yeah, and that’s difficult too, and we’ll probably talk about this a little bit more in a later episode, but part of it is, can I afford this and is there something else that I can, in fact, do? Can I travel and make this move? I am fortunate enough this year that I get to travel to the east coast; I get to spend Christmas with my sister in Massachusetts. I’m very excited about this, and along the way, I get to stop in NYC and spend some time with some friends, right?

HARLAN – -Yeah

MIRANDA – -Are we excited about this?

HARLAN – -I’m excited about that.


MIRANDA – -Right, cause we’re spending some time with some friends! And I’m excited that I am fortunate enough that I can do this. And part of the reason I’m able to do this is that a few years ago I started a travel fund. I just started saying, “I want to be able to travel when I want to be able to travel.” To make this happen, every month, I just put a set amount of money into this travel fund, and then I can use it when I want to go somewhere or do something. And that’s been very helpful for me to plan ahead and know that there’s a good chance that I’m going to need to travel during the holidays and just incorporate that into my long term planning. That’s what been helpful for me. I don’t know, what’s helpful for you? Because sometimes you have to travel, your Mom lives about 3000 miles away from you!

HARLAN – -Yes, so I’m on the east coast, and my mother and my brother and his wife and other family members are out in California, so I plan to travel every year for the holidays, usually Thanksgiving. I have money set aside, and I always find a way to make it work. This is a plan — because other members of my family don’t have the same amount of flexibility that I have mostly regarding time, I’m the one who will do the traveling. And that’s fine, I mean, I’d rather go out to California in the winter, then have people over in the winter in my tiny apartment. I prefer to see lots of people in a more comfortable environment.

MIRANDA – -Right, and if you don’t have family nearby and you can’t travel to your family, and maybe your family can’t travel to you, I think that there’s a lot you can do. If it’s important that you see your family and you’re not able to do it, you can’t just make up for it, but there are things you can do rather than sit at home and be sad. Some of those things might be getting together with friends that you have, or, go to that work party and have that social interaction and also consider doing some service.

There are plenty of organizations out there that would love to have a little bit of help with their holiday situations. (13:03:08) So check your food bank, your soup kitchen, see if they’re having a community dinner, then volunteer to help with that. You’ll have that feeling of service. Studies show that serving others helps you feel good and warm and fuzzy inside and is good for your health, good for your mental state, and can also help you provide some social time for yourself. So there are things you can do even if you can’t travel to family or family can’t travel to you to be involved in your community and get that feeling, that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with being with people during the holidays.

HARLAN – -One that I’ve done in that respect has been to participate in meal deliveries for seniors who can’t get to the store, often, or just have trouble getting around. My community has a meal delivery type of service that you can volunteer for so that’s something that I’ve done in the past.

One of the things that we should talk about is the various ways that adults approach the holidays. There are certain responsibilities that adults have that are different than the lack of responsibilities that you have as an adolescent or as a kid. So there are several things that we need to think about as we approach the holiday season. While we might not do gifts with our friends so much anymore, if at all, when you’re living an adult life certain people provide services to you that perhaps you should get into the habit of tipping for the holidays or providing a holiday bonus. So the question is, ok, so we know that we have to provide — society dictates that it’s the expectation that we provide a bonus for certain people who help us out in life. It all depends on the people you have around you. I have a maid who comes in once or twice a month to just help keep my apt in decent and presentable shape, which, without her, I probably would not be able to invite people over to my apartment. This is a service that I get, and so as part of the unwritten rule or the unwritten contract, it’s just expected that when the holidays come around, I PAY a little more. This indicates the value and appreciation of the work that this individual or this company has put in over the course of a year. There are some other things that I can think of, but Miranda, who else would you tip at that holiday? (15:46.8)

MIRANDA – -Yes, well I don’t want to go WAY in deep with this issue because of course, we’ll be talking about it a little bit later, in another episode, but yes, I think what you said pretty much nails it. It’s people who provide you with regular services that you see on a regular basis. So I will — the girl that does my nails, I go and have my nails done a couple of times a month, she is somebody that I’m going to tip. If you regularly have packages sent out or you have a regular package delivery service, that’s somebody you tip. I usually tip the guy that brings my milk every week, because I have a standing milk order with the dairy. They bring my milk, eggs and bread every week, and so that’s somebody who provides me with a regular service, and I see them regularly, and that’s somebody you would tip. So basically anybody in your life who regularly provides you with a service and most of the time it’s service that doesn’t pay very well – those are good people to go ahead and tip.

HARLAN – -OK. And like you said, we’ll be talking more about that in the future. So another thing, we talked a little bit about is gifts for your friends. How do you handle gifts for your friend’s children?

I know that for me, if a friend of mine is having a get together for the holidays and I know that children will be there, then it seems to be appropriate at that time to get gifts for these children. Now unless I see these children very often throughout the year or I was to babysit them, then I don’t feel its my responsibility to get them a gift. But If I were to see something the child might especially like or is fitting, or if I frequently talk with the parents, and they’ve expressed that there’s something that perhaps only I can do, then yes, I would buy something for the child, but otherwise, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me.

MIRANDA – -Yeah, and I’m there with you. I don’t get gifts for any of my friend’s children. And a lot of the time, as far as my friends go, we usually don’t exchange gifts. Just because with most of my friends it’s more about the company for one thing, and second of all, most of the friends I have don’t need anything I can get them. As far as friends’ kids go, there’s not usually a call for it.

HARLAN – -So you and I both don’t work in an office, but I have worked in an office, and every year, it’s a social event. Everyone who works on a team will get together, and we’ll do some gift exchange. Usually, it’s one of those blind exchanges where you don’t know who you’re getting the gift for, you wrap it, then add it to the exchange.

At the holiday party, you pick out a wrapped gift and unwrap it. Once it’s unwrapped other people can steal it from you, and there’s a whole game around this. Or you do a secret Santa type of exchange where you have somebody’s name, and you buy a gift specifically for that person based on their suggestions.

So there’s always these different office gift exchanges. The issue that I have with them is that it puts a lot of pressure on people to participate, and not everybody might be in the same financial situation.

These present exchanges are usually never officially company events — it’s usually just a small group of people, and they set the rules: let’s put a $15 limit on things, that way everybody doesn’t feel the pressure be extravagant. But then, of course, I remember an episode of The Office, on television, where there’s this price limit on their gift exchange was $15 or so, and the boss went out and bought something that was about 30 times the value — I think it was an IPod or something.

Obviously, he made everybody feel pretty bad because there was this gift limit of $15 and then someone goes off and gets someone this very expensive gift that made everybody uncomfortable. (20:27.2) So you’ve got the pressure on the one hand of participating, and you have your budget AND the office’s pre-set budget that you have to stick to. If you don’t have the money to spend, that makes it awkward and difficult.

At the same time, when you work in an office, there’s a socialization aspect that’s pretty important too, you do have to try to fit in with the culture, and sometimes that means doing something you don’t particularly like to do. I remember this specifically, because when the lottery would get to a certain amount of money, suddenly everyone in the office wants to pool, a couple of dollars together from everybody and play the lottery. Playing the lottery is not something I wold ever do on my own. I know it’s a waste of money, but all it takes is $2 anda little effort. The bonding that you get from the environment that you work within can be worth that $2. At least that’s the way I see it.

So I see the gift exchange in the office as something you have to try to fit into what you do, not just because you don’t want to be ostracized or outcast within the environment that’s relatively important, but because these are the people you spend a lot of time with every day. The bonding experience can be important and worthwhile. (2.00.1)

MIRANDA – -And if a gift exchange or something is not something you’re fond of, and you can manage to get yourself on some holiday planning party or something. You can suggest that instead of having a gift exchange or a big party, maybe as an office on the designated day have a small celebration and then maybe go volunteer at the soup kitchen or have a food drive and take the money to the food bank. There are ways to suggest alternative activities if you don’t like the idea of the gift exchange if it makes you uncomfortable. If you can say ‘hey, let’s do something different this year’ and approach it from there, it may not work, but at least it’s something you can try to do to try to help encourage your office to start thinking about different ways to change this tradition.

HARLAN – -Yeah, I think just putting the idea in people’s heads is something that can have a long-term effect. It’s just being aware of what the office culture is, and understanding that sometimes you have to be a part of that culture. And put up with things that you wouldn’t normally do on your own.

MIRANDA – -Of course this is why we don’t work in offices anymore, right? (laughs)

HARLAN – -Well I mean, for me, I like people, I like having people around, but I don’t like doing work with people, I like — if there’s something I need to get done I prefer a distraction-free environment, which I can do from home. I’m happy to be around people for the social aspect.

MIRANDA – -Right, well that’s what I’m saying, do your work at home and then socialize later.

So what then are some other suggestions for maybe turning it away from the holidays being materialistic? There has been a push in recent years to kind of move away from these sort of materialistic, consumer-driven holidays and move it more toward other things. So what are some things you could do to move away from this consumer-driven holiday season?

HARLAN – – Well, I think for me it involves just suggesting things do with friends and family that don’t involve gift giving and focus a little more on the time that we spend together. That could be some interesting things. That leaves a lot of things open. I do like seeing NYC in the winter. That’s something that I like doing; I like going into the City, going to see a show. Of course seeing a show is not very cheap, certainly, but it also isn’t materialistic. It’s not buying something that I’ll have at home and go to sit on my shelf; it’s going to experience something. And sharing an experience with the people that you care about is much more meaningful to me. I value sharing an experience, whether it’s some entertainment experience as a show or play, or it’s some travel. I love to travel with friends; that’s something I’m trying to make happen. Those are the things that I try to focus on. How about you Miranda?

MIRANDA – -Yeah pretty much the same thing. I’d rather just spend time with people I love. And in fact, my son and I are moving away from presents and moving more toward having holidays where we can travel. It used to be, before the divorce, that we would make a point to make Christmas day be a day of just hanging out at home, just being together. My ex-husband, my son, and I, just hanging out at home. And that was nice, just having this relaxing day where we just hang out, and then the day after Christmas we’d go and visit family and friends or we’d have a Christmas party. But we’d have Christmas Day just relaxing and having an enjoyable day where we’d do our favorite things. And so that was always nice. But like you I’m more interested in experiences, and I’m more interested in sharing experiences with people I love, and so I’d rather just hang out. I don’t want presents; I don’t need to exchange presents, I just want to be with people I like and experience things that I enjoy. (26:38.7) Which is why we’ve got to hang out, right, while I’m in NY!

HARLAN – – Around the holidays, adults get invited to parties, other than the standard office type party. We’ve talked a little bit about the office party, but we get other invitations from friends and family too. There are a couple of expectations that go with these invitations along with what you’re expected to do if you do decide to attend. Whether you attend or not, it’s a good idea to reply to the invitation.

So the first thing is to decide if this party or event is something that you want to attend. You don’t have to participate in the event for every invitation that you receive, but consider whether you want to spend the time with these people. If you’re getting invited to the event, the chances are that you do want to spend the time with the hosts or the group. So that’s one thing to consider. The second thing is what you do when you show up, and maybe what you prepare first. You want to understand what the vibe is going to be at this event, and dress appropriately for it, if it’s a work party you probably don’t want to go in your – something that would be inappropriate for —

MIRANDA – – Sexy Santa outfit?

HARLAN – -Yeah, sexy Santa outfit, which I’ve got in the closet, and I plan on wearing – no no.

MIRANDA – – I want to know what a sexy Santa outfit is for a man. Obviously, I know what it is for a woman, but —

HARLAN – – No I have no idea (laughs). So yeah, so dressing appropriately is one thing. Whether there’s going to be a gift exchange, whether you’re going to be participating in the gift exchange, whether you bring a gift, be prepared. For parties, it’s usual to almost always bring something for the host, regardless of whether there’s a gift exchange. So just keep that in mind that you should show up to every party with something in hand.

MIRANDA – – I think just some things that are appropriate — bringing something like dessert or a bottle of wine, or a bouquet of flowers. Sometimes I would bring a poinsettia since its holiday time, and it brightens things up. Those things are nice, they’re simple, and they’re appropriate.

HARLAN – – I think that something from that list would be perfect.

One thing to think about and be aware of is that nowadays at a party you want to keep in mind that everything has the potential of being recorded. And we’ve talked about this in regards to social media before. You start acting a certain way that is embarrassing to yourself, whether you’re aware of what you’re doing or not: perhaps you had a little too much to drink. You are an adult, you’re certainly allowed to do what you want regarding alcohol, but just keep in mind that every decision has potential consequences, and some of those consequences could be embarrassing to you or if not now, to your future self. If it’s a work party you certainly don’t want to ruin the opportunity to get ahead, if that’s something that you want to do, and embarrassing yourself in front of the boss could be one of those things. Also, once it’s on the Internet, there it stays! That could have some impact on future jobs and relationships!

MIRANDA – -No making out with co-workers!

HARLAN – -No making out with co-workers! But you have to judge this by the situation because you may be working with a team where it’s expected to be a little looser than you might normally be. You could work for a company where all the employees are young, and everybody is young graphic designers, recently out of school, let’s say. Everybody’s still figuring the adult thing on their own, including the boss. Which is one situation that is different than say, working in an accounting firm where the vibe might be a little different at the office party, let’s just put it that way? And I’m just making generalizations here, but you’ve got to understand what behavior is expected and what’s not, and at the same time keep in mind that everything you do could be recorded and on the Internet and therefore permanent for the rest of the world to see at any time. So that’s just something to keep in mind. (30:46.7)

MIRANDA – – Right, and as we discussed a little bit, on our Social Media episode as well, it’s not even just something that might show up later. If someone shows up and is excited about using periscope, it could be happening in real time, and you never would know. We’re moving to a point, where, as you said, and you hate to be this person who says, well I have to be guarded no matter what I’m doing. And it’s disappointing and frustrating, but that’s the way it is.

HARLAN – – All right, let’s talk about some ‘Do Nows’ that we can offer to everybody. What should people be thinking about for the holiday season? And what do they need to do?

MIRANDA – – The very first thing you should do is take 10 to 15 minutes to sit down by yourself and re-evaluate what you want from the holiday season. Too often we get swept up in the social swirl, and we think, ‘Oh, what’s going on’ and ‘I gotta buy this, I gotta buy that, I gotta do that, I gotta have this thing.’ Take a deep breath and just take a few minutes to step back and say ‘Ok, what do I want from the holiday season and what will best help me accomplish that this year?’

You may have to do a few things you don’t want to do. We all know we have to do things we don’t want to do as adults during the holiday season, but at the same time you can take a step back, re-evaluate and at least come up with some ideas of how to get through this intact as a person.

HARLAN – – Yeah, that’s a great idea. I think that something else we can add to that is figuring out what the parameters are for a gift exchange among whatever group you want to deal with, whether it’s your friends, whether it’s your family, whether it’s your co-workers. Just set some ground rules, like a budget, and make sure everybody sticks to it. Figure out whether you’re getting gifts for everybody or whether you’re doing a gift exchange where one person gets a gift for another person, so everybody still gets a gift. This way you don’t have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars because you’re getting gifts for everybody — at the same time you’re not receiving multiple gifts and you’re not going to be left with things that will just sit around your house.

MIRANDA – – Right, it’s uncomfortable for us to be up front about this sort of thing and talk about it, but just do it. My ex-sister in law contacted me recently and said to me, ‘Let’s work out this holiday thing to do,’ because obviously, our relationship is a little different now that I’m no longer married to her brother. So we’re trying to figure this out, and she emailed me and said point blank, ‘We’re both adults here,’ she said, ‘ We don’t need to do a gift exchange, but I would still like to get a little something for my nephew, your son.’ So she just approached it straight like that, and she said, ‘I would also like to send you a local treat, from where I live.’ She has a local area where they have nice special candy and whatever, and she said, ‘I would like to send you still just a small token of something local and something to experience.’ And we can do that. And we just sat down and just figured it out, as two adults do. And that’s what we did, and now we’re going to stick with it. And I’ll send them a little treat that’s local to my area; she’ll send me a little treat that’s local to her area, and she’ll send me something for my son. And that’s appropriate, and we just sat down and figured it out by email. Sometimes that’s what you need to do- is come up with this stuff and sort of suck it up, and have this conversation, we’re all adults here, we can talk about this like people.

HARLAN – – I think where we run into problems is when people don’t communicate, There’s a lot of reasons people don’t communicate on holiday – they can be uncomfortable, they could be stressed, they could just have too many things to do, but as long as one person starts communication it usually ends up fine, and that one person can be you!

MIRANDA – – That’s right. So now that we have these ‘Do Nows’ we do have a reader question, and this is a very interesting question and one that comes up a LOT, especially as Millennials get older. The question is,’What if I don’t want things, what if I prefer money?’ How do I ask others for money over the holidays?

HARLAN – – Yikes! Ok, so, as adults we can’t expect anything from anybody. I don’t think — gifts or money is not something that we can just do. Now if we have someone who says, ‘Listen’ – maybe your parents, maybe your relatives, we do want to get you something – ‘What can we get you?’ And the one thing that you need is cash, perhaps because you have to make your rent payment, and that’s going to help you — it’s a tricky situation, but the more open and honest you can be about it, the more people are going to be willing to help. You have to show them beforehand that you are responsible and can handle cash and can do what you’re planning to do with the cash gift. The worst thing is when — and I’m sure a lot of people have had this happen — a family member will ask for cash for a certain thing, and you see them seeing spending money on something else. The person said they needed money for one thing, but then they spent money on some frivolous type of another thing that was unnecessary and not included in what they said they needed money for. So — if you’re going to ask for money — you have to make sure you’re spotless in what you do and in what people see because you will burn bridges as easily as if you say you need money for one thing and people see you seeing money on something else.

So that’s the first step. That first step translates to being impeccable. If you can’t do that, then forget about asking for money in the first place. If you can do that, then the second thing you need to do is just open up and be honest, explain the situation and say, ‘Listen, we don’t need more things in our life right now, we need money.’ That’s if you’re at the point where you’re feeling or saying that you should be selling some of those excess things that you have. Try to find other ways to get the cash that you need, rather than asking people for money. It could be a tradition, however, which changes things. In some cultures and some families give money instead of things, and if that’s part of the culture then it’s understood and its fine but if it’s not part of the culture then you do have to figure how you’re going to broach the subject.

A lot of people feel that giving money is impersonal and is not something they want to do. People who feel that way may still be ok with providing a gift card for something that the recipient might need. If the reason you’re asking for cash is that your kitchen is falling apart and you need to do something about it, perhaps instead of asking for money you can find a way to get a Home Depot gift card or something like that. That way, someone at least knows that you are going to be spending the money for something specific, at the same time the giver feels like they’re not just handing over a wad of cash to you; it’s more of a present, which is in the spirit of the holiday season. So there’s that option as well. But if it’s the cash you need because you’ve got to write that check to your rent payment, to your mortgage lender or whatever it happens to be, then you just have to be totally upfront about it and say, ‘Listen, this is what I need. I don’t need any THING, and I will find some way to repay you for this kindness somewhere down the line.’ I can’t say that this is something that I’ve had to encounter, but that’s how I would approach it.

MIRANDA – – I think it’s interesting, one of the things we see now, ‘Hey everybody, for my holiday present, why don’t contribute to my GoFundMe campaign. That’s something that I don’t advocate, that’s something to do, I think that’s horrifying on so many levels. I do think that, like you said, if somebody asks you specifically what do you want, and you do prefer money or a gift card, you can say something like, ‘ Hey, I’m trying to save up for this vacation if you would like to help contribute to that, that would be super-fantastic.’ But don’t go around telling everybody you want this. If somebody asks you specifically, ‘What are you looking for?’ Then you can be honest, and say, ‘Hey, I am saving up for this vacation, if you want to help me with that, it’s great, if not, I’d also appreciate a gift card to the grocery store’ – something like that. Give options and be up front about it. But I do not advocate going around approaching other people and saying, ‘Hey, this is what you want to get me.’ because that’s real — (laughs) there are no words for that.

HARLAN – -Thanks for joining us today on Adulting. Come to our website at and join us the next week for another episode.

Hosted byHarlan Landes and Miranda Marquit
Edited and mixed byHarlan Landes

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Once you start learning to adult, holidays can be a time of stress. Here’s how to set healthy boundaries. Read More...

This episode originally aired on December 3, 2015.

Show Notes

Too often, the holidays turn into a time of stress as we try to live up to expectations from family and friends.

While it’s preferable to avoid a holiday showdown, sometimes it can’t be avoided. In this episode, we talk about how to figure out what matters this holiday season, as well as how to set boundaries.

How much is too much this holiday season? And can you draw the line without it turning into a holiday showdown? Our Do Nows help you learn how to set healthy boundaries, as well as identify the biggest stressors that could be dragging you down.


  • Reasons the holidays can be very stressful.
  • What are some of things we do to satisfy others during the holidays?
  • What things are likely to result in a holiday showdown?
  • How to prioritize holiday gatherings.
  • Tips for setting healthy boundaries — and respecting others’ boundaries.
  • Handling gifts and exchanges.

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ReutersUnderstanding and dealing with family relationships during the holiday season
PsychCentralTips for building and preserving better boundaries


MIRANDA-Sometimes the holidays are more stressful than maybe they should be. In this episode, we’ll take a look at some strategies you can employ to reduce your holiday stress.

HARLAN – Intro

HARLAN – Welcome to Adulting. I’m Harlan Landes, and I’m here with Miranda Marquit, as usual. How are you doing Miranda?

Miranda – I’m doing well, how are you today Harlan?

HARLAN- I am fantastic. So! Today we’re talking about satisfying your relatives during the holidays. And what it takes to survive the holiday season as an adult. So, is this a study from Stanford University?

Miranda- It isn’t exactly a study so much as it is something the assistant director of Stanford’s faculty and staff help center talks about. She talks about some of the pressures that the holidays cause, and the research shows make the holidays difficult for people – and family relationships – which is all of us, right? We all have family relationships, and one of the things that she points out is that people want to belong and feel connected during the holidays. This desire can be so strong that we overextend ourselves emotionally, physically, and financially. And then she goes on to say that examples of this include spending money to travel to be with family and loved ones even though you’re finances are limited. She talks about buying gifts that you can’t afford, attending social family functions because we feel like we HAVE to or because we feel like we should, and then also on our end, maybe preparing an elaborate perfect meal or celebration. So we put all the stress on ourselves to provide the perfect atmosphere for celebration with somebody else. So it’s this thin line, and she talks about how all of these pressures can combine to create a holiday season that isn’t quite as cheerful as we’d like it to be.

HARLAN-we just want to enjoy this time with our families and friends and loved ones, so does this pressure need to be there? Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves? Is there any way that we can avoid this?

Miranda-That’s hard. It’s hard to get beyond that. I know that what’s interesting is, a lot of the times these holidays are tied up in faith traditions. As we get older, we may be stepping away from our faith traditions of our youth. And that is something that I am dealing with right now is stepping away from the faith traditions of my youth, and how do I go about that — the nice thing about celebrating Christmas is that in a lot of ways it’s not about Christmas. It’s not about Jesus for a lot of people, and so it’s more a wider cultural phenomenon. There is that element of it being a little bit easier from that standpoint, but at the same time, there are still some family expectations and some family things that are talked about in my faith tradition during the Christmas season. I’m navigating that right now trying to figure out, how do I back slowly away from my faith tradition while still enjoying that family holiday spirit. Is that something that you have to deal with as well?

HARLAN- No, it’s been a little bit different for me. First of all, I am Jewish, and religion wasn’t always a big part of my household, except to the extent that I wanted to make it something that I was pursuing on my own, if not actively in my house with my family. My brother and I grew up celebrating Chanukah, which unlike Christmas, is not a major holiday for the Jewish religion in the way that Christmas is perhaps is for the Christian religion. However, because it happens around the same time as Christmas, more attention is given to this holiday, and in the tradition of gift giving. It is something that my parents did want to make as part of our experience growing up. At the same time we also recognized that while we were celebrating Chanukah, the rest of our environment was celebrating Christmas, but, so, I don’t think we had a Christmas tree, but we certainly did understand that Christmas was more than just a religious holiday in the United States. That was something that was kind of out there and is secular, and people are participating, and my parents were certainly interested in having us as children be a part of the society that was around us. So we participated in some Christmas type things like giving gifts for Christmas, if not going all out. It was a line that I was always on. I know that my parents like telling this story: They brought me to the mall doing some holiday shopping, and of course there was a Santa Claus dressed up in the mall, and he came up to me and said, “Merry Christmas” and I said, ‘Happy Chanukah’ in response to him and he was taken aback, didn’t know what to say, and of course I lived in an area at the time that did not have as much representation in diversity that some of the places that I’ve lived later on in life. So it was kind of a funny experience for some kid to say something to Santa that he didn’t expect. It’s all about family. I mean, my mother is probably more the side of Wiccan even, celebrating nature, celebrating the earth, instead of making something more Judeo-Christian out of the season.

Miranda-Right, and that’s interesting as well, this idea of, well maybe I want to incorporate more of the wiccan or pagan or solstice related activities into my situation while the rest of my family has no understanding of that sort of side of things. It’s an interesting line that you do have to walk. And then once again we have this whole, as mentioned in the Stanford article, we have this whole — not only do we have these traditional type expectations of us, but we feel like things have to be perfect for the holidays. We have to have perfect decorations; we have to have this perfect meal. We have to have this perfect party; we have to find the perfect gift for whoever we’re giving this gift to. Everything has to be perfect. And I think that’s one of the things that makes the holidays so challenging. So how can we get beyond that? How do we deal with this idea of perfection around the holidays?

HARLAN- We has to let go of this burden. This is a huge burden. And maybe it’s hard for me to understand because I never had to deal with it in this way, but there’s no reason that anything has to be perfect in our lives. We can just do our best to create the best environment for spending time with our family. And this idea that we have to live up to some expectation which I think probably comes more from the media than comes from anything else when it comes to the pressure to have a holiday set up in such a way that everything is pristine. I guess I just don’t get it. I mean, even the people I’ve been close to who have celebrated Christmas don’t feel this kind of pressure because there’s an understanding that we just have to be perfect, we just try to put together what we need in order for our family to feel comfortable and to feel the love that we have for each other. And certainly, that’s not going to come from some pristine demonstration or display. So I don’t know, so you tell me how to deal with something like that.

MIRANDA- I think it’s really difficult, and it’s nice that you come from an environment where you didn’t have to worry about that. But in the culture I was raised, there’s a lot to do with the image you’re projecting and the holidays have a lot to do with that. Part of that too is once you get to a certain point, is learning how to set boundaries during the holiday season, whether it’s, ‘do I have to go to one more family party?’ And that’s one of the hard things too; there is so much going on. And do I have to go to every family party? Do I have to do all these things? And I think that setting boundaries is one of the ways that you can step back and say, ‘yes, I love you, and I want to have this situation with you, and I want to celebrate the holidays with you,’ but at the same time, this might be too much. Because we have work, we have to worry about getting our stuff together and then do we need to go to all parties and get all these presents and take care of all this stuff. I think part of that is learning to set boundaries and try and figure out how to work with that.

HARLAN-Sure I think I probably benefitted in some way from having a smaller family. And I know a lot of people will, if they have seven siblings, as adults, they’ve got a lot of people to pay attention to when the holidays come around. That’s got to be difficult to juggle. And I understand that completely. And just having a plan, and saying, ‘Listen, I can’t see your family this year, but next year you can visit me, and I’ll visit someone else, and then the year after that …’ You just have to set up a plan that makes sense and explain to everybody that we have a lot of responsibilities, this is the way we’re gonna make it work, and it’s not gonna be what everybody wants, at any one time, but at the same time, everyone else is juggling the same responsibilities. So I think they are going to ‘get’ it.

MIRANDA- I think part of it too goes back to what we’ve talked about in the past, about that communication. And being up front about what you can and can and cannot do. Whether it’s saying ‘Let’s set up a gift exchange,’ that’s fine, but with my family this year I have four siblings. And one sibling has four children, another has three children, and then another will have two children by the time we get to Christmas. And so there’s a lot of children running around, there’s a lot of siblings to begin with, and finally this year, one of my siblings just sent a family group text that said, ‘This year are we going to just draw names out rather than trying to find gifts for everybody – let’s just do this one gift exchange where we just draw names out.’ And communicating and being up front and saying, ‘This is what I’d like to do,’ that can help. And we all said, ‘Hey, that’s a super fantastic idea. Let’s set up a gift exchange for the kids – where you draw a name out of a hat, and that’s the cousin you’re going to get a present for,’ and then the rest of us will draw a name out of a hat and that’s the adult person that we’ll get a person for. That way kind of limits the stress you’re under, but it’s just that simple thing where you give yourself permission to say, ‘let’s try something new, ‘ and then you communicate that.

HARLAN- So, in every episode that we’ve done so far, we’ve talked about communication. I think that’s the key to everything adult-related. When the stress of the holidays comes upon you, communication can be all the more difficult, and that’s where we get hooked up. Maybe there is something that we can do when we have this stress of the holidays to allow the communication to flow a lot easier, so we’re not having stress as being this communication filters, that’s changing the way we communicate with our loved ones at a time that our communication needs to be clear. There are some specific de-stressing things that we can do during the holidays to allow ourselves to be open to better communication. That’s probably one of the keys; we know that this is going to be a stressful time; we know that we have to communicate, so how do we communicate properly at a stressful time and the only way to do that is probably to deal with stress a lot better than we’re used to. There are two things we like to do. The first is getting a weekly massage, and that helps me destress and let go of some of the things that I’m holding on to. But that requires some time and depending on how you do it; it might require some money, so that isn’t for everybody. I think a daily meditation is something that — I’m getting to the point where I can do that on a more regular basis. Just following some guided meditation will help you relieve stress and allow the communication lines to open more freely. I’ve seen it happen in relationships. I know it works. So, all you have to do is look for some guided mediation online maybe just do 10 minutes a day, and that will help your stress level immensely. And maybe there is some holiday mediation that you can do that makes it appropriate for the season. You start it now you’ll probably stick with it on a more regular basis because you’ll just get so much benefit out of it, you’ll understand yourself a little bit more, and you’ll be able to communicate.

Miranda-And part of it too I think is that, we have these great technicological tools, that to a certain degree do allow us to disconnect a little bit, from the situation and while we’re always saying, ‘Oh we need to connect more, we need to be more personal’ no, sometimes when we’re very stressed out, and we’re frantric and we’re struggling we really need a little of that space, a little disconnection. I find that it is easier if I sit down if I can compose a text message and not send it immediately – never send things immediately, whether it’s email, text messaging or social media – never do it immediately, always stop and think about it. But I find that sometimes it’s easier for me to communicate through written word, because of who I am and how I operate, and my tendency toward introversion. Also because I’ve been solicalized both as a woman and in my particular culture to avoid conflict. So (laughs – that’s just the way it is) so sometimes it’s easier to express myself in a written manner. So if I can take 10 – 15 min to compose a text message that I feel comfortable with, and then I can think about it for a little bit, and then send it and have that sort of delay and have that space between me sending it and the person getting it, sometimes that’s easier than having to sit down with someone facte to face and having to hash out issues you are struggling with. If you can send a quick text and say “I’d really like to come to the Christmas party, but I can’t make it – love see you next time, or love you see you at Sunday dinner’ or whatever it is, if you can send that rather than sit there and see them face to face and trying to deal with this situation — sometimes the distance helps. And sometimes you do need that space.

HARLAN-For me, what I realized, that a lot of the stress that I get from – if I have to offer some bad news or if I have to say something that might get a reaction that I don’t like, the longer I wait, and the longer I let is stew, the more that stress just festers. When there’s something that you have to communicate — first of all, realize you’re probably over-estimating the fierceness of the response you’re going to get. You imagine the response will be totally out of control to this bad news, saying, “I can’t make it for the holidays” — I’m sure they’ll be disappointed if they wanted to see you, but at that same time, it’s not going to be as devastating to them as you probably think it is. They will get by, they will understand that you cannot make it to the Christmas party or whatever it happens to be – or the news could be a whole lot worse than that too, but they can get over – and if they’re rational (18.30) people they will react in a way that you can handle. But it’s this build up, that’s where all the stress comes from. So if you can avoid the build up by going out there taking a deep breath and preparing yourself addressing the issue, then it’s usually not as bad as letting it fester inside of your brain, what’s going to happen when I finally approach this person about this issue. One way to get rid of the holiday stress is to face what you feel are these communication challenges, deal with it, and then it’s over, and you can let go of the stress.

MIRANDA- I think that’s a really good point. A lot of the time we put this stuff on ourselves, and we expect too much of ourselves. And sometimes you need and say, Hey wait a minute, who’s putting this on me? And a lot of the time it is ourselves. Being able to step back, a lot of time, we’re not giving people enough credit; we’re not giving them enough credit to be understanding and kind.

HARLAN-Yeah, absolutely.

Miranda- So another thing to do while we’re thinking about giving other people credit is also remembered that maybe somebody else is having stress as well. And a lot of the time when we’re sitting here thinking about ourselves saying, ‘Oh my gosh, how am I going to handle this,’ we forget that maybe somebody else is in a stressful situation, so maybe we all need to be polite and understanding about other boundaries and also be understanding if they can’t do something you want them to do. We’re always talking about ‘make other people understand me,’ but sometimes we need to understand other people, especially during this time of year.

HARLAN- Yeah, sure, that’s a great point, and it’s all part of having an adult relationship — is listening and understanding what other people are going through. And if there’s an opportunity to help somebody deal with their stress it goes a long way of not only to help them to relieve some of their stress but you will come out of this feeling good about yourself and will help you perhaps relieve some of the pressure you’re feeling on yourself as well even though the result is you’re doing more because you’re helping somebody. The way I see it, doing something for someone else helps relieve the pressure off of you, and that’s just as important.

MIRANDA- For sure. So what are some of the ‘Do-Now’s that we can do as we move into that holiday season in high gear. What are some of the ‘do-now’s that our listeners can focus in on now?

HARLAN- well I think the first thing is to identify these biggest stressors. Figure out what it is that’s causing you to have anxiety or to be upset around the holidays, and it may be something simple like not being able to get the gift that you wanted to buy for someone. It might be just the whole feeling of trying to put together the perfect situation for a whole family, or it could be the fact that it’s the holiday season and you don’t have the people in your life that you want with you now. There are a lot of different ways to feel stressed around the holidays, so if you can outline them down on paper, you can start to address them and figure out a plan on how to handle each one individually. Breaking it down into smaller issues so you’re not overwhelmed by one huge thing, and just seeing what the things are that you can work on that will eventually lead to this idea of having a stress-free holiday season if it’s even possible.

Miranda- Yeah, I think that’s a good point — just identifying the deal breakers. There are somethings we can do just because we feel we need to do them for other people – that’s just the way it is – but figure out your deepest issues and the deal-breakers so that you can better step up to the other duties that you might have. And then another thing too is to practice enforcing boundaries. A lot of time you feel you’re not going to do this and then we turn around and do it anyway. I think part of it is practice on these small things, find a couple of small things to practice enforcing boundaries, get used to being assertive so that you’re prepared so that you’ll be ready to own that when the time comes.

HARLAN – Yeah, being able to say no is always a great skill to have, and it’s hard, especially for people-pleasers. I’m a people-pleaser, Miranda you probably are too, so it’s very hard for us to say no sometimes but yes, you have to say no. You have to put some limits around what you’re willing to do because if you don’t, then people will see that you’re the one who is always willing to do things, so you will have more responsibilities kind of, loaded on to you, until you properly give people an understanding of what your limits are. And they might change over time, it’s not like you did something one year that means you have to it again, or because you’re unable to do something one year that you can’t do it the next year. Everything is flexible, nothing is permanent, but you have to able to communicate what you’re willing to do and what you’re not willing to do so that you can live a healthy life yourself. That’s the most important thing.

Miranda-That’s a good point. You do need to take care of yourself because then you won’t be able to take of anyone else if you end up in a breakdown situation. Now we have a listener question: What do you if your family members want to know why you’re skipping out on something? So what do you do? If you say No I can’t make it, and the real reason is you’re too stressed, or you don’t want to go, or there’s something else you’d rather be doing, what do you say?

HARLAN- (laughs) Well, there are two different paths to take here. You could be totally honest, and tell them whatever the reason happens to be. Or you can say, listen the timings bad, and we have some other thing that we have to take care of. You can make up an excuse. I think the approach – I’m all for honestly as much as possible — but we’ve got to understand that people have feelings that are in play, and you don’t want to burn any bridges with relationships so sometimes you do have to tiptoe on issues or be careful with the way you frame something without outright lying, because that’s never good. You WILL get caught. You don’t want to say anything that is totally untrue – such that if you get caught – you will burn those bridges. You can’t say, I can’t go out with you tomorrow night because I have to stay home — and then if they run into you the next night and you’re out with some other friends, you’ll have some explaining to do! You don’t want to lie, but you want to be sensitive to the way people need to hear whatever it is that you’re saying. Having the core of honesty there is important. You might just have to blanket that in some way that it’s not going to hurt somebody’s feelings if they don’t understand the position that you’re coming from. And nothing you say will help them understand that position.

Miranda-I think too to a certain degree, my first instinct is to say, ‘hey it’s none of your damn business, ‘ but at the same time like you said — they want to know, what’s more important than me: And to a certain extent sometimes you have to have to tiptoe around it. One of the important things I do is say, you know it’s just not working out right now or ‘I’ve got a lot going on’ and ‘what if we get together sometime after the holidays’ Sometimes it’s more about offering an alternative to letting them know that you care and you do want to hang out with them and do wish you could be there. Sometimes you just have to have an alternative for yourself – I’m sorry I really can’t do it right now, but what if we make a plan to do something after this time is over.

HARLAN-Yeah, I think that’s a great idea, having an alternative ready so that they still feel that you’re making them a priority while not giving them exactly what they want at any particular time.


HARLAN- All right, on that note, I think we’re good for this episode and join us next week and join us on to take a look at what we’ve discussed today and find additional resources that might come in handy as you’re trying to relieve holiday stress and survive.

Hosted byHarlan Landes and Miranda Marquit
Edited and mixed byHarlan Landes

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You’ve got an opinion about your friend’s wedding? Keep it to yourself. Read More...

Planning a wedding is stressful.

Typically, in our society, most of that pressure falls on the bride.

Sadly, the general public adds to the stress by asking brides-to-be awkward, overly personal and downright embarrassing questions. I experienced this in the lead-up to my own wedding, and it made me realize I’ve probably been on the opposite end without realizing it.

We all mean well, but most people don’t realize how often brides hear the same inappropriate comments and questions – and how annoying it can be. Here are a few things you should never say to a bride:

1. Do you plan to lose weight?

I joined a boxing gym a few months before I got engaged. When I announced my happy news, some of the gym regulars asked if I was “sweating for the wedding.”

Despite saying I’d continue to exercise after I got married, most refused to believe I was there to work out for anything but the big day. Many assumed, out loud, that I’d let my membership lapse after the wedding.

I admit that looking and feeling beautiful on my wedding day was important to me, but I didn’t need others reminding me. Getting married is about joining two lives together, not dropping a dress size for your wedding photos.

2. Wow, what an unusual ring!

I told my husband months before our engagement I didn’t believe in engagement rings. When I announced my engagement to my coworkers and friends, they immediately asked where my ring was.

Some women are happy to show off their rings, but others are more reticent – especially if they have a small diamond, a non-diamond, or no ring at all.

We’re all aware what a traditional engagement ring looks like, and no one wants to be reminded their ring is “different” or “interesting.” Those are all euphemisms for, “Wow, your fiance couldn’t be bothered to buy you a real diamond, huh?”

One coworker even asked me if I was engaged, months after I’d started planning my wedding. I’d talked to her about it multiple times. She said she couldn’t remember because I didn’t wear a ring.

If your friend offers to show you her ring, say it’s beautiful and move on. If she says she didn’t want one, respect her decision.

3. When do you plan to have kids?

The floodgates of inappropriate commenting open when you get engaged. Previously respectful people become nosy, asking questions that should be reserved for a private dinner or family gathering.

That brings us to the question of children.

Why is everyone in a rush to know what happens after the wedding? I just decided to commit myself to someone else for eternity and now I have to think about kids?

Most recently engaged couples are too busy thinking about cake flavors and wedding playlists to even consider the possibility of kids, much less answer questions about it. If the bride in question has firm plans to get pregnant, it will probably come up organically over the course of conversation.

4. You’re not doing what at your wedding?

I’m convinced that wedding announcements bring about more rude behavior than busy travel times at the airport. Suddenly, everyone has to share their opinions about your wedding.

No matter what you think, don’t tell a bride what she should or shouldn’t do at her wedding. I appreciated the suggestions people had about ways to save money or how to handle the guest list, but firm opinions about my specific situation made me feel uncomfortable and judged. Most of the time, I nodded politely and changed the subject.

Don’t assume brides want to hear your opinions about their wedding. Wedding planning involves bringing together two people, two families, and two distinct ideas of what a proper wedding entails. Fortunately, I married into a family who didn’t feel strongly about how the wedding should look – but not every bride is so lucky.

5. You’re not changing your name?

This is at the top of the list of things never to say to a bride.

My fiance knew I wouldn’t change my last name before we even got engaged. He was, and continues to be, fine with it.  Not everyone was so comfortable with my decision.

One boss told me it was “disrespectful” to my future husband and his family. Others asked, “Is your fiance OK with you not changing your name?”

Taking on a new last name is one of the most personal decisions a bride can make – which means it’s nobody else’s business. People who judge me probably don’t know I immigrated with my family from Ukraine, and my last name is an important tie to our journey.

Even if you think I’m slighting my future husband, the only opinion that really matters is his. Again, he’s fine with it.

6. I can’t wait to come!

The most awkward experience a bride-to-be can have is with friends and family who presume, wrongly, that they’ll be invited to the wedding. No one wants to tell an excited friend they won’t need to save the date.

Don’t assume you’re coming to the wedding until you open the invitation. You’ll risk embarrassing yourself or forcing an invite out of guilt. Don’t put the bride – or yourself – in that situation.

What are some of the things you think you should never say to a bride?

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A healthy relationship isn’t about being together all the time. In fact, your marriage could probably benefit from quality alone time. Read More...

It’s Thursday night.

I’m probably at a bar with some friends playing trivia.

At some point in the night, I’m probably answering this question in some shape or form: “Where’s your husband?”

No one means to be nosy, and it’s not a question that offends me. But it has led me to question why people are so surprised when I’m out and about without my significant other.

Don’t couples spend time apart?

There’s an expectancy when you get married that you are now a package deal. It’s why the cliche of a bachelorette slowly losing all her once-single friends to marriage exists. It’s the way things are.

But is it the way things should be?

Unfortunately these days, codependency is the norm. Maybe that’s always been the case. But in the time I’ve been married, I’ve come to the conclusion that couples focus way too much on being together, and not nearly enough on being apart.

I need more social interaction.

I’m an extrovert — a big one. Want proof? Multiple bosses have told me I spent too much time talking to other coworkers. Whoops.

I love seeing my friends and catching up. I can be on the phone for an hour without realizing it, and I start to go stir-crazy when I don’t get a significant amount of personal interaction.

My husband is an introvert. He doesn’t need as much social time as I do. Actually, when I leave the house he’s often glad to see the back of me. Finally, he gets some alone time.

I have more fun hanging out and he has more fun with the house to himself. Plus, when I do bring him around, I worry that he’s not having a good time or that his social quota is overfilled.

We spend all day together.

My husband, Sam, and I are both self-employed. We work together at home – often in the same room. After we’re done working, we usually watch an episode of a TV show together. We walk the dogs a couple times a day, usually for an hour or so in total.

In other words, we spend most of our day within a few yards of each other.

It’s hard to understand that dynamic unless you work with your spouse. Fostering a healthy work-life balance requires time apart, so I really don’t feel the need to bring him to my weekly trivia meetup when we’ve just spent nine hours together.

Our marriage thrives.

I love my husband, but he isn’t my everything. Too many romantic movies make it seem like all you need to be happy is a good spouse. Reality check: that’s not nearly enough. I need work, friends, and hobbies to feel complete. I don’t want to rely on my husband to complete me, and he feels the same way.

Reality check: that’s not nearly enough. I need work, friends, and hobbies to feel complete. I don’t want to rely on my husband to complete me, and he feels the same way.

I need work, friends, and hobbies to feel complete. I don’t want to rely on my husband to complete me, and he feels the same way.

Turns out, our way is best. A study from the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research found that having enough space in a marriage was more important than a good sex life. Space keeps us sane and balanced so we don’t lash out.

Having time without Sam reaffirms my independence. It clears my head and makes me appreciate the time we spend together more.

It’s not for everyone.

Our dynamic is unique and probably not suited for everyone. Couples who work odd schedules should find more time to spend together, not more reasons to be apart. Couples who have kids or parents to take care of also need more one-on-one time. Plus, being around friends together makes it easier to form couple friends, which we sorely lack.

Couples who have kids or parents to take care of also need more one-on-one time. Plus, being around friends together makes it easier to form couple friends, which we sorely lack.

But there are aspects of our approach that can benefit everyone. No couple can truly thrive without personal boundaries, and fostering a sense of independence and self-reliance within the relationship is vital to long-term stability. A relationship should be

A relationship should be a foundation built upon strong, well-made bricks. You don’t want a homogeneous slab of gray concrete.

How to ask your spouse for space.

Even though Sam and I allow ourselves space these days, it wasn’t always this easy. I struggled to understand his introverted tendencies and why he didn’t feel like socializing as much as I did.

Asking for space is hard and can offend your partner. Why would you need space from someone you love?

That’s why it’s important for introverts to explain clearly: “It’s not that I need to get away from you, I just need to take some time for me.” Your partner should understand it’s not about them if you explain that having time for yourself will strengthen your marriage.

The same is true from the opposite perspective. If your introverted partner is pressuring you to stay in and nest when you want to spread your wings, it’s time to have a talk. Opposites may attract, but that doesn’t mean they understand each other. That’s where honest communication comes in.

There’s no reason to be together all the time. And, in the long run, you might benefit from spending some time apart. Just because you’re soulmates doesn’t mean you’re never apart.

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Dating can be exhausting, especially if you aren’t ready. Don’t jump back into the pool out of desperation. Read More...

“You’ll find someone else.”

How many times have you heard that when a relationship comes to an end?

All sorts of well-meaning people expressed the conviction that I could easily find someone to replace my ex-husband after he asked for the divorce.

I didn’t feel like I was ready to date, though. It took several months for me to feel ready to accept an invitation to go out or to sign up for a dating website.

Dating’s not that easy.

Figuring out if you’re ready to date isn’t as easy as your mom wants you to believe. (“Can’t you just find a nice man?”)

Sometimes letting your friends set you up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Plus, what happens when you’ve been out of the game for a while? The hardest thing for me was trying to decide if I was ready brave the world of online dating. Internet dating was barely a thing when I got married.

Even if you don’t go the online route and decide to stick to IRL dating options, you can easily feel overwhelmed, depending on how long you’ve been out of the dating pool. Flirting, pickup lines, deciding who pays – all of these things change over time.

Before you can feel ready to date, you need to get the lay of the land.

Are you ready to be you?

Over the last year, I’ve learned the value of owning my shit. Getting to know the single me was a big part of getting ready to date again. If you aren’t sure who you are, you might not be ready to start dating again.

I’m much more straightforward now than I was when I was younger. As a 20-something trying to find someone to marry, there were times I didn’t fully express myself. After all, I lived in a culture that didn’t particularly value female outspokenness or independence.

Today, even though I know my opinions and lifestyle disqualify me from being “dateable” to a large portion of the single population where I live, I make it a point to be me. It’s exhausting to try to meet others’ expectations of what I “should” be just to get a date.

It’s easier to just be me and not fuss too much if someone doesn’t like who that is.

The nice thing about knowing who are and being comfortable with you is that you don’t feel like you have to always be going on dates. If you love yourself, and you’re comfortable alone, you don’t need to date out of desperation. You can date when you’re ready – and you can say no to those that don’t interest you.

Why do you want to date?

Part of knowing you’re ready to date is understanding the reasons behind your desire to get out there.

When first decided I was ready to date, it was because I thought it would be good to meet interesting people and build new connections. It took me a while to decide I wanted to dip my toe in those waters, but once I felt ready, I went in with purpose.

My interest in dating right now has nothing to do with finding a life partner. And, because I own most of my shit now, I’m upfront about that. I know exactly why I date:

  • Get to know new people
  • Build connections
  • Enjoy new experiences

I’m not even opposed to the idea of building a relationship with someone I meet through dating. However, I’m not interested in a long-term relationship right now. That could change, and perhaps someone I meet will prompt that change.

Before you get ready to date, you need to know your goals.

It’s ok if you are dating in the hopes of finding someone to share your life with. In fact, that’s why most people decide to start dating. They hope to find a soulmate. Or at least someone to share part of the journey with.

If you have kids, you need to know whether or not you hope to find someone willing to help you raise them. I have a relatively independent 14-year-old, and my ex and I coparent well. I don’t really feel the need to bring someone else into the mix to help with kid things.

We all have our own reasons for dating, and you need to know your own objectives before you get started.

Are you emotionally ready to date?

Even if you know your goals, think you’re ready for the “rules,” and you know yourself, you need to make sure you are ready, emotionally, to get back into the dating pool.

Dating can take an emotional toll on you. Even if you aren’t looking for something serious, you are still investing time and energy into someone. It might only be for an evening, or through a series of texts, but it’s still emotional energy expended. And, if you get close enough to go on more dates and get to know each other better, the emotional energy needed increases.

You have to be ready for the emotional aspects of dating. Gauge your own emotional readiness before you begin.

Are you able to come in without dragging all of your baggage? We all have baggage. But is yours under control? Are you able to separate what happened in the past from the possibilities of the present and the future?

After I went on a couple of dates initially, I realized I wasn’t really ready after all. I felt too busy and not ready to make the time. I dialed back my efforts and took a little more time to get right with myself and my schedule.

If you get out there and realize that maybe the time isn’t right after all, there’s nothing wrong with deactivating your dating account and telling your friends you don’t want to be set up.

There’s no one way to figure out if you’re ready to date again. The best you can do is figure out where you stand, what you want out of the situation, and make sure you’re ready to give it your best shot.

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Long-distance relationships suck. Or do they? You might be surprised to find out how great they can be. Read More...

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Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?

Or does it just ruin things in the long run?

Interestingly, there is some evidence that long-distance relationships can work — and thrive. But that doesn’t mean they’re easy. Long-distance love has its own unique challenges. If you can overcome those challenges, your relationship might actually be healthier.


  • What is a long distance relationship? Is it just about mileage, or is it also about time?
  • The impact of quality time spent vs. just being together.
  • Are you underestimating the importance of meeting your physical needs in the relationship?
  • How does distance impact your emotional connection and well-being?
  • Confronting the reality of jealousy in long-distance relationships.
  • Advantages of long-distance relationships.
  • How can you turn this long-distance love into a way for you to become a stronger person?
  • Tips for being happy in a long-distance relationship.
  • The idea that a long-distance relationship can be a way to commit without REALLY having to commit
  • How to establish ground rules in long-distance relationships.
  • Is being over-connected actually bad for your relationship?

This week’s “do-nows” offer some ideas for keeping the flame alive with your long-distance love. Figure out what matters to you in the relationship, and make choices based on what is likely to work best for you.

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Love and work on a timetable
Starting a long-distance relationship
New York MagazineCould long-distance relationships be healthy?
Long-distance relationships can work
TimeHow Skype is sabotaging your long distance relationship
Hosted byHarlan Landes and Miranda Marquit
Edited and mixed bySteve Stewart

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Do you love someone IRL, but can’t stand them on Facebook? Here’s how you can deal with the friends you hate on Facebook. Read More...

There are certain collective experiences that are fun on Facebook like, say, mocking the Golden Globes or arm-chair quarterbacking the Super Bowl. I look forward to those now-annual traditions.

There are other collective experiences like, say, elections, that highlight the worst of Facebook and make me want to close my account.

Gone are the days of virtual strangers poking me and grade school friends begging for help with virtual farms.

I hope we can come to the end of the days of political rants that political ranters think are the mic drop to end all mic drops.

Joseph de Maistre said we get the government we deserve. From my Facebook feed, I see why we have the government we have.

The last presidential election cycle highlighted to me that there are some people I love in real life and Facebook. There are others I love in real life and hate on Facebook. Sadly, Facebook often gives a platform to those who shouldn’t have one.

Hint: If Facebook is your only platform, don’t grandstand.

Elections come and go. Impressions of people, whether in real life or social media, stick around like a cold sore. So, what do you do when you hate your friends on Facebook?

Prioritize friends.

Remember on Friends when Ross prioritized what he liked and didn’t like about Rachel to help him decide if wanted to date her? No one told me life was gonna be this way, but life is not like Friends.

If you’re confused why you see some friend’s posts and not others, it’s because Facebook’s all-seeing eye watches who you engage with and puts their posts in your feed. If there are people you want to see less of or those you want to see more of, like natural selection, Facebook lets you prioritize who you see in your feed.

Choose “Newsfeed Preferences” from the top right dropdown on Facebook when you’re on your desktop. A window will appear with the first option being “Prioritize who to see first.” This will highlight those you want to see and bury the worst offenders when you hate your friends on Facebook.

Facebook only allows for you to prioritize up to 30 friends or pages, so you do need to be a little Hunger Games about it.

Hide friends.

If prioritizing friends seems harsh or your 30 favorite people aren’t drowning out your least favorite people, you can put the latter in the purgatory of Facebook. Hide those friends. This is even easier than prioritizing them.

On either your phone or desktop, if you see a stupid post on Facebook from a friend who says stupid things too much, click the top right of their stupid Facebook post and from the dropdown choose “Hide Post.”

This will let you see fewer posts from that person. You’ll see the occasional post, but they should be few and far between. Hopefully this will help you maintain sanity when you hate your friends on Facebook.

Ignore friends.

Because Facebook’s puppeteers put posts from those with whom you engage at the top of your feed, simply ignore those friends you no longer want to see.

It’s like your mother told you, if someone hurts you, your feelings or your brain, they’ll go away if you ignore them.

And whatever you do, don’t engage. That comment you want to post to enlighten your buddy and all those who have been following the thread?

Don’t. Just don’t.

Unfollow friends.

If none of the above is enough, you can unfollow when you hate your friends on Facebook. Click the top right of their Facebook post either on your desktop or your phone. This time, however, choose “Unfollow.”

This is a bit misleading. By “unfollow”, Facebook means you’ll stop seeing all posts from said friend and still maintain your “friendship.” This way you can still lurk on your notoriously irritating friend’s feed at your convenience.

Unfriend friends.

Now we’re getting serious.

If none of the above works, you can resort to unfriending. For this, you must go back to where it all began. Go to your friend’s Timeline and click the “Friends” button. From the same place where you add friends to a list and list a friend as a close acquaintance, you can unfriend them by selecting “Unfriend.”

Don’t choose this option if you think you’ll want to be friends again with this unfriend. Otherwise, you’ll have to send your unfriend a new friend request with your tail between your legs.

Blocking unfriends.

Like color-blocking, Facebook-blocking must be done thoughtfully and strategically because it could mean life or death. If an unfriend harasses you and you’re brave enough to take such action, click the padlock looking icon at the top right of any Facebook page and choose “How do I stop someone from bothering me?” From there, enter the name or email address of the person you wish to block and then click “Block.” Like a witch to water, they’ll be gone.

Like any tool, Facebook can be abused. Also, like any tool, you can choose how you want to use it. Don’t give Facebook and your friend’s behaviors on Facebook more authority than they deserve.

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The dream of FWB is alive and well. But does this no-strings-attached thing really work? It can, but not without a few ground rules. Read More...

Is a “friends with benefits” arrangement really possible? Can you really pull it off? I kind of tried it earlier this year, and it went OK.

But here’s the thing: while we might dream of the friends with benefits situation, I’m not entirely sure how sustainable it is over time.

Bring sexual benefits into a friendship.

According to the latest Singles in America survey from, 46% of Americans have had a “friends with benefits” relationship. This represents something of a leveling off of a trend that had been on the rise. In 2012, the number jumped from 20% to 47%, and since then, it’s been relatively stable.

It can be fun to bring these types of benefits into a friendship, especially if you’ve been experiencing something of a drought, but haven’t found someone you want to commit to. Looking for “the one” is time-consuming and sometimes difficult. A friend with benefits can be one way to meet your physical desires without a long-term commitment or the rigors of a full-on romantic relationship.

In some cases, you might discover that you and your friend plus plus are actually turning into soulmates. That can be an interesting and beneficial development that can lead to a long-term romantic or life partnership.

Of course, there are downsides to the friends with benefits model. First of all, there is the chance that one of you will decide that they want to be more than friends with a side dish of sex. The other person might not return those feelings and that can be very painful for everyone involved.

It can even ruin the friendship. It’s unfortunate because most of us don’t decide to become friends with benefits intending for the friendship to end.

Does a friends-with-benefits arrangement ever end well?

I’m still friends with every ex I’ve ever had, including the guy that asked me for a divorce. I think that’s a pretty good track record. We were able to move from romantically involved to being friends.

Does that translate well in a friends with benefits situation?

I guess it depends on who you are, and who your friend is, and the way you interact with each other. But eventually, that relationship is likely to end. At least the benefits part. Here are some of the reasons that the benefits might disappear:

  • One of you finds someone else: At some point, one of you might end up finding a romantic partner. Unless you are all about the open relationship (and your new partner agrees), it might be time to cut the benefits out of your friends with benefits relationships.
  • The sex just sort of peters out: You might also reach the point where the sex peters out. Maybe you just don’t do the benefits thing that much because the friend things become uppermost.
  • One of you starts to do develop romantic feelings: One of the realities of sex is that it can lead to a deeper connection and feelings of love. Even though different parts of the brain are involved with sexual desire and love, there is overlap, according to a study from Concordia University. Once that happens, you might want to stop the benefits if you aren’t interested in leveling up your relationship.

This last possibility is very interesting, mainly because of the way habits form in the brain. Science Daily wrote an article about the Concordia study, quoting one of the authors, James G. Pfaus:

Love and sexual desire activate different areas of the striatum. The area activated by sexual desire is usually activated by things that are inherently pleasurable, such as sex or food. The area activated by love is involved in the process of conditioning by which things paired with reward or pleasure are given inherent value. That is, as feelings of sexual desire develop into love, they are processed in a different place in the striatum.

Somewhat surprisingly, this area of the striatum is also the part of the brain that associated with drug addiction. Pfaus explains there is good reason for this. “Love is actually a habit that is formed from sexual desire as desire is rewarded. It works the same way in the brain as when people become addicted to drugs.”

What you think of as casual sex over time can become something else if done enough. This is why friends with benefits can end up being more complicated than a couple of hook-ups or a one-night stand.

Can you maintain your friendship?

Ultimately, if maintaining the friendship is important to both of you, it will work out in the end. But it might require a little extra effort on your part.

Even though I don’t often fall into gender stereotypes, I might in a friends-with-benefits situation. According to an article on Psychology Today, women are more likely to focus on the friendship part while men are more focused on the benefits part. This is probably part of why I don’t have much of a problem moving forward. To me, the connection between us is important and vital, and that friendship matters more than anything else we might have done (or contemplated doing).

Hey, I’m not a man, so I’d love to hear a male perspective on this. Leave a comment or join the conversation in our #Adulting community on Facebook.)

At any rate, I did have someone I’ve known for a long time tell me, after our hook-up experience, that our friendship is strong enough to deal with this. And we’ve actually been in touch more often via personal messages since the *ahem* incident. Of course, it probably helps that he lives on a different continent.

Proximity probably has a lot to do with maintaining a friendship after a friends with benefits. In fact, before you embark on this type of adventure, it makes sense to carefully consider how often you will see your buddy, and how close you live to each other. Seeing each other all the time after the benefits fizzle out probably doesn’t help the cause.

Follow these rules in your FWB situation.

Setting some ground rules can help you be better friends with benefits. And by “better,” I mean getting through it without losing your friend when you lose the benefits. Here are some ideas for ground rules to follow:

  1. Communicate like adults: Seriously. Talk about your goals for this relationship. Be open about what you like and what you don’t. Ima repeat that. Be open. This only works if you’re both honest. And if you feel yourself developing romantic feelings, mention it ASAP. Say you want to pull back to avoid hurting the friendship and see if your sex buddy agrees. If s/he doesn’t, that’s still a sign that you need to change things up.
  2. Don’t act like a couple: Don’t see each other Every. Single. Day. Don’t act like a couple. Remind yourself that you’re not dating. Unless you want to become a “real” couple, you need to make sure you’re not acting like it. This includes bringing your sex buddy around to family and friend events that s/he normally wouldn’t be at.
  3. Remember that you’re non-exclusive: You can’t get upset when your buddy goes out with someone else. The whole point is that you’re non-exclusive. If someone starts getting jealous, it’s probably time to ax the benefits and see if you can salvage the friendship. And, it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: PROTECTION. Make sure you’re properly protected because who knows what else is going on there with your sex buddy.
  4. Keep it off social media: For reals. It’s a Very Bad Idea to share things about your friends with benefits relationship on social media. Going through a breakup on social media is hard enough. Leave the “it’s complicated” status update and other info off. You and your sex buddy should be careful about who knows what’s going on.
  5. Don’t worry about sleeping over: One of the great things about FWB is that you don’t have to sleep over. Or cuddle. Or do any of those things that build emotional intimacy beyond sex. Establish ground rules and don’t expect anything that goes past that. Be careful, though, that you don’t get too attached to the situation. Otherwise, you might be really devastated when it’s over.

The whole point of FWB is to satisfy something that’s missing without making things overly complicated. It’s a fine line to walk, and not everyone can.

Have you been successful with FWB? What worked for you?

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It’s the end of an era. Now you have to decide how to respond on social media. Read More...

Breaking up used to be so much simpler.

While the heartbreak never changes, the fallout of a nasty separation didn’t used to be so toxic. When relationships fell apart, it was entirely possible to move on without frequent reminders of what you once had.

Those days are loooooooooooong gone.

With the relatively recent rise of social media as a primary form of communication, the private has become public. Breakups are now events witnessed by everyone in your news feed, and any semblance of a dignified separation can be shattered by a single insensitive comment on Instagram.

So how can you move on without embarrassing yourself or your ex on the internet? How do you navigate the waters of breakup etiquette in this new digital landscape?

Avoid vaguebooking.

It’s tempting to spill your guts on social media after you’ve been dumped. Usually, that takes the form of an indirect, passive-aggressive message about loss, love, and life. But don’t think vagueness is fooling anyone. All your friends know who those Taylor Swift lyrics are referring to.

It will make you look desperate and pathetic if you publicize you broken heart all over the internet. Solution? Buy a journal and write in it every time you’re tempted to go public with those feelings.

Journal therapy can decrease anxiety, depression, and grief, so it can likely help you mend. Schedule a daily time to write down your thoughts, or keep a notebook around you when you’re tempted to write a melodramatic novel on Facebook.

Don’t delete your photos.

If you’ve spent enough time with someone, you likely have proof of your relationship all over Facebook. You may be tempted to remove all that evidence — especially if you’re angry about being dumped.

Don’t do that.

At some point, when you feel less bitter, you may want to look at those photos and even remember them fondly. No one stays a jilted lover forever, and you may be grateful for your past relationships when you see where they’ve led you.

Plus, deleting photos shows you’re not prepared to handle the breakup in a mature way. If you’ve tagged other people besides your ex in the photos, they may be bummed to find out their memories are gone too.

Abstain from social media altogether.

How to Handle Breakup on Social Media

Spending time on social media is not the answer any time you’re feeling emotional. Studies indicate that social media use can cause people to crave attention and seek it in unhealthy ways.

Try detaching from your phone and temporarily deleting your social apps. Seeing happy couples on Instagram might fuel jealousy. Finding out your ex has already moved on through Facebook is even worse.

You don’t have to give up your phone. You can use apps like Duolingo to brush up on your Spanish or Headspace to practice meditating. New habits will help you move on, and focusing on personal improvement can help you come out the other side a better person.

If you’re having trouble staying away, use extensions such as StayFocusd or Simple Blocker to limit how much time you can spend on social media. Other apps like BreakFree Cell Phone Addiction will send an alert when you’ve been on your phone too long.

Ignore your ex.

Everyone loves to Facebook and Instagram stalk, and there’s no better subject than a recent ex. When you start stalking, it can be impossible to stop. If your ex is active on social, you’ll likely find photos of them having fun, enjoying their new single status or, even worse, dating someone else.

I used to spend hours looking up ex-boyfriends on social after getting dumped. Trust me: I wish I could take back that time. I would have found out when they’d moved on anyway, and I could have been doing something healthy or productive instead.

Looking up your ex on social is an exercise in masochism. It won’t help you move on.

Looking up your ex on social is an exercise in masochism. It won't help you move on.Click To Tweet

Delete personal comments off your page.

Everyone has a nosy aunt who loves to comment on any and every event in their life. It may not even occur to her that when she posts, “Sorry to hear you and Adam broke up!” everyone — including Adam — can see it.

If you see comments like that, delete them and message that individual privately. They may not realize what they’re doing and assume it’s like sending you a personal email. Be polite, but firmly explain why it’s not appropriate to make those statements on a public forum.

We’re all trying to navigate the new media landscape the best we can, but it can be hard for some people to discern what’s appropriate and what’s not. Setting clear boundaries for what you allow for discussion publicly makes it easier for everyone involved.

If you’ve broken up with someone recently, how did you deal with it on social media?

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